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Remaking Recess at YES!

This year, YES has a strong focus on revamping one of the most important and fun aspects of school: Recess! Recess is a time when students are able to connect with other classmates in a supportive and safe environment; Remaking Recess is an evidence-based strategy that focuses on just this. The manual reads, “The goal of Remaking Recess is to improve the recess and lunch experiences for all students at school by 1) improving social engagement with peers, 2) maximizing social time with peers, and 3) fostering good relationships with the adults who coordinate these activities” (p. 4). Katie Keith, and the recess staff and volunteers structuring the activities, have been putting hard work into the elementary basketball court, reinventing it by purchasing new equipment, adding four-square, hopscotch, and even a math game. The middle schoolers are also enjoying their brand new basketball court and gaga ball court, a variation of the classic dodgeball played across playgrounds for decades. Recess volunteers are needed and appreciated, please call the office at (530) 692-2210 or email Katie, for more information.

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