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Supporting Student Happiness

Social and emotional support systems are an important focus at YES. A new position, Family Liaison, is being filled by Dawn Kaundart who previously worked in the front office. A new class was implemented as well; Casey Nielsen is teaching the Technology and Media Literacy class throughout the school year that middle school students will attend. There are four main topics covered in this class: social media etiquette and safety, cyberbullying recognition and prevention, using Google Suite applications, and coding. Children, particularly middle schoolers, have more access to media and the internet than ever before. This is both a positive and a negative, as the internet is full of useful and important information that can be easily obtained. However, as Nielsen points out, “in order for technology to be at its most beneficial, students must learn how to use it safely and effectively. That’s the core idea of what Technology and Media Literacy is about–giving students the tools to be able to navigate the ever-changing technological world”. Kaundart, the Family Liaison, will be nurturing the connection between the school and YES families. She provides a familiar face when students are dropped off and picked up and checks in with the parents at this time. She also helps redirect behavior when students are overwhelmed, having a ReSet Room available to them equipped with the tools necessary to help them reset. Kaundart shares, “I plan family friendly school sponsored activities that invite families to our campus. I also have the opportunity to help families in need to connect them to community resources when things are tough.” Constantly learning and improving, each school year at YES becomes more enriching and nurturing.

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